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TireCradles are made of a patented polymer and are insulated with air cells. The engineering of blown polymer and air cells creates a product that perfectly conforms to the shape of your tire and supports the tire. TireCradles also insulate tires from temperature variances.

Cars Needing TireCradles

Cars with low profile tires will flat spot. Typically cars with tires that have an aspect ratio of 50 or less will flat spot. Occasionally, cars with tires that have an aspect ratio of 60 will also flat spots however, these cars are usually in excess of 3800 pounds.



  • Guaranteed for life
  • Accepts vehicles with weights up to 10,000
  • Accepts treads with sizes from 4 to 14 inches
  • Proven by Independent Tests to Prevent Flat Spots
  • Easy to use – just park on them
  • Made in the USA

What Has Been Tried To Prevent Flat Spots?

Here is a list of what has been tried with no personal success and with no success from our customers:

Pile carpet squares ‘sandwiched’ with carpet insulation, styrofoam, conveyor belting, comfort foot mats from a barber supply house, horse stall rubber matting, sand bags, industrial water nylon/rubber bags filled with anti-freeze, layers of cardboard, grass between cardboard layers, plywood, plywood and rugs.

This is all that has been tried and NOTHING HAS WORKED!

Then our company began to look into the physics of flat spotting, how they are measured, what causes them etc. and the rest is a lot of work but a product that really does exactly what it says it will do: they prevent flat spots.

Test Results From Standards Testing Labs

St. Barsabas is the original manufacturer of TireCradles. In 1999, St. Barsabas funded an independent study to determine the effectiveness of TireCradles. St. Barsabas chose Standards Testing Labs (STL) to perform the test. The positive results of this test will give our customers a sense of security about his or her purchase.

Standards Testing Labs in Massillon, Ohio Tested TireCradles.
Here are their “credentials.”

STL is the world’s largest, independent, dynamic testing facility for tires, wheels and related components. The methods they use are those specified by ASTM, DOT, SAE, ECE, and SEMA. STL’s facilities have the approval of the U.S Department of Transportation and the National Highway Safety Administration for the testing of tires, wheels and related components.

Finally, STL has performed testing for Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, and every major tire manufacturer. Considering their history STL’ s credentials leave little room for controversy and give potential customers a sense of product performance.

The tires selected for the test were Pirelli P Zero Asimetricos. The Pirelli tires were selected for one reason; they are the OEM tires on more performance cars than any other manufacturer. The Asimetrico is OEM for most models of the following manufacturers: Aston Martin, Bentley, BMW, Ferrari, Jaguar and Porsche — fine company indeed! This is a splendid recommendation as to the quality of their tires.

One final point about tires in general. All low profile, performance tires flat spot (cold set) regardless of the manufacturer. None are immune to this phenomenon. As such, again, the selection of Pirelli should be viewed as an acknowledgment of their quality and not a negative.



Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 20 × 16 × 5 in